My Diabetic Diet: How I Discovered that Eating Healthy would Transform My Life

Diagnosed with diabetes at the age of 9, Marcus Grip struggled to find a natural and healthy way to manage his diabetes. After many years of research and experimentation, Marcus has found a diet that works for him and he is sharing it with the world. Read on for his diabetic diet tips and tricks.

After being diagnosed with diabetes, the biggest struggle for me was feeling trapped by the insulin. I continued to live like I’d always done, but was now controlled by my disease and felt I had no where to turn. I spent years searching for alternatives to insulin and ended up at a seminar about Raw Food. I started to learn more about food and lifestyle changes and how I could heal my body naturally and better manage my diabetes in a much more holistic and simple way, sans medication. The bonuses of a healthier life with more energy and vitality were a just an added bonus!

The Alkaline Diet

Before that day, I had struggled for a long time and tried many holistic approaches without success. Acupuncture, Qi Gong, Meditation etc. were never enough.

I also realized eating healthy is a little more complicated that simply avoiding fast carbs and other black-list diabetic foods like fruit and oats. I started eating alkaline foods that contain a high pH. After much experimenting and research, I've found it is really beneficial on many levels for the body and your overall health. Clean, organic and healthy alkaline foods are the right kind of fuel to energize your body so it can become the self-healing machine it was meant to be.

Eat lots of dark, leafy greens like spinach and kale. Eat cucumbers, tomatoes, avocados, healthy fats and oils such as cold pressed hemp, flax, olive and avocado oils. Eat raw nuts and seeds like walnuts, hazelnuts, chia seeds, flaxseeds, pumpkin and sunflower seeds. Drink lots of water. I try to go for 4 liters a day. This helps your body to flush out toxins and keep you hydrated and fresh.

Making the Lifestyle Change

Now, it hasn't been easy and I think very few people will argue otherwise. This requires the motivation to truly want to change your diabetic lifestyle. The holistic and natural path to health is not an easy one. To ensure success, make the transition slowly. Every small step towards a healthier life is a huge win! Give yourself some love and credit every time you achieve a small victory for yourself.

But warning, don't make the small successes an excuse to cheat. Many people have a tendency to say: "Well I was so healthy at lunch so I deserve a bowl of ice cream". That WILL make you feel worse, so if you know you are going to want something sweet after a meal, make your salad, for example, a little more tasty or "normal" with some meat or a sugar-filled dressing if you really feel it's too hard so you won't find excuses to eat junk.

Always ask yourself before you eat: Will this heal me...or kill me (slowly)? That will stop your mind from looking for the things it's been programmed to crave and instead start focusing on healthy foods, which after a while become the only thing you crave!

I hope this text inspired you to get started on a healthier path in your life. If you want to read more about my diet and my journey through diabetes, please visit my site, Diabetic Diet Guide. You can also check out my video diary here.

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